Effective and proper ministerial or pastoral care of minors (defined as those under the age of eighteen years) depends upon the competence, quality, integrity and commitment of those who work with them. This Code of Ministerial Behavior For Personnel of the Archdiocese Who Have Regular Contact With Children and Young People (hereinafter “this Code”) sets forth expectations placed on clergy, religious and laity involved in this important service. This Code is not intended to address all situations that might arise in working with or ministering to children and young people. Rather, it is intended to set forth certain standards and guidelines that will help to shape the behavior of those personnel of the Archdiocese who have regular contact with children and young people in a way that upholds Christian values and conduct. Personnel of the Archdiocese for purposes of this Code includes clerics, religious, lay employees and lay volunteers who are employed by, under personal contract with or volunteer in and for any of the entities encompassed by the Archdiocese of Hartford.
For more information please go to http://archdioceseofhartford.org/children.htm.