Members of this team are responsible for defining learning goals and strategies for parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy for all ages. This team strives to create opportunities to nurture and encourage a healthy and active faith life.
This committee supports the heart of Christian community by strengthening the relationship of individuals within the parish community, by involving all members of the parish community in fellowship, and by providing experiences that give a clearer version of dicipleship through community life. It seeks to build community by inviting and empowering parishioners to use their time, talent, and treasure in shared ministry. Whether greeting a newcomer, or re-engaging a seasoned member, this committee creates opportunities for friendship and interaction. The Committee encompasses activities that help build the parish into a faith community and provide for the social and communal needs of the parishioners. So if you have an interest in planning community activities, come join us. We plan activities such as the Parish Picnic, OLM Feast of Mary, and having a booth at the Pumpkin Festival.
There are many opportunities to pray the Rosary in a group setting. You are invited to attend the Legion of Mary meetings, pray the rosary before or after daily Mass or join the many offerings of praying the Rosary as a commumity throughout the year. Keep your eyes on the church bulletin for special times to pray to our Blessed Mother.
Work together as a group in bringing awareness to parishioners in social issues and being active participants in being the change our society needs to help those in need.
If you enjoy a fun ministry and meeting new people, the monthly breakfast team might be a great fit! This team serves eggs, toast, hash browns and sausage once a month on the second Sunday of the month from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. except for the months of June, July, and August. Whether you love to cook or meet new people, this ministry is for you.
The Lazarus Committee is named after the brother of Martha and Mary, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The Gospel account is found in John 11:32-45.
The goal of the Lazarus Committee is to comfort the families of the bereaved of the parish by:
Attending the wake of the deceased
Providing a warm smile to those attending Funeral Masses
Providing a guard of honor at the end of Funeral Masses
Assisting at repasts which are held in the Parish Center following burials
Sending condolence cards
Reaching out to the families with a phone call about a month after the funeral
Members of this team allow children the opportunity to hear the readings of the Mass at their level, Liturgy of the Word for Children makes Mass more meaningful. This program is offered during the 10:30am Mass.
Members of the Music Ministry consist of Parish Choir, Cantors, and Teen Youth Mass Choir, all under the leadership of the Music Director. Each member has significant roles in liturgical celebrations, but their principal responsibility is to encourage and enable the full, conscious, and active participation of the assembly of believers. In order to serve the parish community well, we strive to include music that is familiar, new, energizing, and engaging to people of all ages and ethnicities.
The Cantor
The cantor is both a singer and a leader of congregational song. Persons designated for this ministry should “be accomplished in the art of singing and have a facility
in public speaking and elocution.”
The cantor leads the assembly from a stand where they can be seen by all without drawing attention from the liturgical action.
The cantor may serve as psalmist, leading and proclaiming the verses of the Responsorial Psalm
sung from the ambo.
The Parish Choir
The children often provide special music for First Holy Communion and occasionally for feast days of the Church. We welcome children ages six and above as it is important to be able to read the lyrics.
Choir is a wonderful opportunity for young people to learn the rewards music can provide, as it fills young souls with joy and minds with knowledge.
OLMCC is currently not in session.
For more information, please contact our Music Director Eric Hoffman at or call the Parish Office.
Masses with Music
Saturday: | 4:00 PM Vigil / Fulfills Sunday obligation (Organ, Cantor) |
Sunday: | 8:30 AM (Organ, Cantor) 10:30 AM (Organ, Cantor, Choir) * Once a month: (OLMCC) Currently not in session. *The Choir sings at the 10:30 AM Mass from September – June. |
Holy Days: | 12 Noon (Organ, Cantor)* 6:00 PM (Organ, Cantor, Choir)* * If scheduled |
Christmas Eve: |
Vigil Mass (TBA) Mass During the Night (Midnight Mass) (½ hour Prelude) Music: TBA |
Christmas Day: |
(½ hour Prelude) Music: TBA |
New Years Eve: (12/31-1/1) |
Day Mass (Organ, Cantor) |
Holy Week: | 4:00 PM / Saturday, Day Before * Palm Sunday (TBA) Palm Sunday 8:30 AM (TBA) 10:30 AM (TBA) * With the Commemoration of the Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper Organ, Cantors, Choir Good Friday: The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Cantor,Choir |
Easter: | Saturday The Easter Vigil (Organ, Cantors, Choir) Easter Sunday 8:30 AM (Organ, Cantor) 10:30 AM (Organ, Cantors, Choir) |
Funerals and Weddings:
It is said that gardening is therapeutic - come see for yourself! Every spring the planters on the property need to be filled and cultivated throught the fall. Areas on the grounds of the church also need to be planted. Consider volunteering your green thumb to this worthy endeavor to create our grounds as one of beauty.
To become a member of the Pastoral Council, one must be nominated during the spring season. If that person is chosen through prayer, they will join the Council in the fall of that year and serve for a term of 3 years.
The Council is a consultative body, pastoral in nature, because it strives to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among God's people in the parish. The Council gives its help to the Pastor in fostering pastoral activity; it investigates, under the authority of the Pastor, all those things which pertain to pastoral works to ponder them, and to propose practical conclusions about them. It is essential the Council meetings occur in the context of prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit, so that at all times the common good will prevail.
No matter where you live, there are people enduring hard times and struggling to make ends meet, not just during the cold winer months but all year long. We can help our brothers and sisters. On the first full weekend of every month, non-perishable food and personal items are collected in the Gathering Space. These items are delivered to the Food Pantry for distribution to those in need.
As described in the Pastoral Council Bylaws: "This committee nourishes and gives direction to the Liturgical aspect of parish life. They provide opportunities for parishioners to deepen their faith through a variety of prayer experiences and liturgical celebrations. They identify the spiritual needs of parishioners and maintain an ongoing program of education and training for Liturgical ministers."
They do this by meeting monthly or more often as needed. They work on their own education in Liturgy. They provide liturgical education/ongoing formation of the Sunday Assembly, and do liturgy planning and evaluation.