The Legion of Mary was founded by Frank Duff in Dublin, Ireland on September 7, 1921. It is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country around the world.
The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.
The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a Praesidium, which holds weekly meetings where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. The Praesidium here at Our Lady of Mercy Parish meets on Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Center. For more information, please call Fr. M. David Dawson Pastor, at 860-747-6825. Visitors are always welcome. To obtain more information about the Our Lady of Mercy Legion of Mary Praesidium, please contact the Parish office at 860-747-6825.