How many slaves work for you? Take the test and see what kind of impact you have on slavery. You will be amazed!
"I have stated several times that these new forms of slavery – human trafficking, forced labour, prostitution, organ trade – are very serious crimes, a wound on the body of contemporary humanity.
The whole of society is called to grow in this awareness, especially with regard to national and international legislation, in order to prosecute the traffickers and redirect their unjust gains to the rehabilitation of victims."
Pope Francis, Address to the Participants in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Saturday, 18 April 2015
For all information about the Archdiocese of Hartford, click here.
Christian therapy is different from other types of treatment because it’s based on the principles of Christianity. If you decide to work with a Christian therapist, you can expect a faith-based approach to resolving problems and learning how to communicate effectively. In addition to helping you address personal issues, a Christian therapist should aim to help you have a better relationship with Christ. As you heal from the hurts of life, you’ll be reminded of God’s love and grace, making your faith even stronger. A person who is very strongly aligned in their faith may seek therapy with a Christian counselor because it can enhance their therapeutic experience. For more resources or information please click here.
Pray the Rosary with Bishop Barron as you meditate upon beautiful artwork from the Church's rich history depicting each mystery. All of the Mysteries are prayed on this link. You are able to choose one or all of them. Just click on the link.
If you are thinking about coming back to the Catholic Church, or have many questions about your faith, please visit Catholics Come Home on the link. Welcome Home!
CathFam is dedicated to equipping parents to create a vibrant, faith-centered, Catholic culture in their home. The monthly e-magazine with faith-building tips for all families. Topics range from child-rearing to nurturing your spousal relationship to liturgical season insight. Check it out!
Don't have a lot of time to read but love to listen to interesting and informative Catholic Podcasts? Lots more info also on everything Catholic, sometimes with a fun twist. Faith Shared Joyfully. Click here.
New Website Helps Catholics be "Salt and Light" | |
![](), a new website of the U.S. Bishops' Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, helps Catholics respond to Jesus' call to be "salt of the earth" and "light of the world" (Mt. 5:13-16).
The website includes: equips Catholics to live out Pope Francis' call to "go forth" on mission. It also seeks to help Catholic communities-especially parishes, dioceses, schools, universities, seminaries, religious communities, and ecclesial movements-to carry out the vision of the U.S. bishops' landmark document, Communities of Salt & Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish. |