Baptisms are celebrated monthly, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Parents must first attend a preparation class and register with the church if not all ready registered.
Parents can begin to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism for their child in advance (even before the child is born, if possible). This allows plenty of time for the required preparation. Dates are arranged after attending the parent preparation program. For information, contact the parish office, 860-747-6825.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child into the Church!
Being asked to be a godparent is truly a special honor, but there is much more than just getting a new title! During the opening of the Rite of Baptism, the celebrant (priest or deacon) will ask those who are sponsors (godparent), "Are you ready to assist these parents in bringing their children up in the practice of the faith?" This is the primary responsibility of godparents.
If you have been asked to be a sponsor for one making their Confirmation, you too have the responsibility of being a good Catholic model to the one being confirmed as well as helping that person to continue to grow in their Catholic faith.
Because the sponsors of the one to be baptized or confirmed carries such a responsibility, and in fact, represent the parish community at the baptism or confirmation, the Church does have requirements as to who is eligible to be a godparent/sponsor. Along with an eligible Catholic sponsor (godparent), a person of another Christian denomination may serve as a Christian Witness if they meet the requirements of this role as a godparent.
If you have been asked to be a godparent/sponsor, you may contact or visit the Parish Office or print one to obtain a sponsor certificate.
Christian Witnesses (not Catholic) require a baptismal certificate from their faith church for their commitment to pass on the Christian aspects of their faith.