The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is an awesome opportunity to bring the healing presence of God to someone who is seriously ill from disease or old age. It is celebrated to bring spiritual and even physical strength to the infirmed.
Although often times thought of as a sacrament for someone near death, it was previously known as Last Rites (Extreme Unction). The emphasis on the sacrament is that it is meant to be celebrated anytime someone is facing a serious illness. The sacrament may be celebrated several times in one's lifetime. Family members are encouraged to be present and may find it meaningful to their faith journey during this time, as well.
The Sacrament of the Sick includes anointing with blessed oils, prayers for healing, forgiveness of sins, and reception of Eucharist, if possible.
If you, or someone you know, is facing a serious surgery or illness, you may call the Parish Office to arrange for the anointing. We ask that you do not wait to ask for the anointing for someone when they have only a few hours to live. Please call the office at 860-747-6825, so that Fr. Dawson has time to anoint the one who needs to receive the Sacrament and family memebers can be present to participate if desired.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick brings Jesus' saving grace to the individual in a special way and strengthens your loved one for their journey.